2. Getting started


Make sure your Pi is off while installing the Sense HAT.

2.1. Hardware

Remove the sense HAT from its packaging. You should have the following parts:


TODO package pictures

  1. The Sense HAT itself
  2. A 40-pin stand-off header. This usually comes attached to the Sense HAT and many people don’t realize it’s removable (until they try and unplug their Sense HAT and it comes off!)
  3. Eight screws and four stand-off posts.

To install the Sense HAT:


TODO installation pictures

  1. Screw the stand-off posts onto the Pi from the bottom.


    On the Pi 3B, some people have noticed reduced performance from using a stand-off post next to the wireless antenna (the top-left position if looking at the top of the Pi with the HDMI port at the bottom). You may wish to leave this position empty or simply skip using the stand-offs entirely (they are optional but make the joystick a little easier to use).

  2. Push the Sense HAT onto Pi’s GPIO pins ensuring all the pins are aligned. The Sense HAT should cover most of the Pi (other than the USB / Ethernet ports).

  3. If using the stand-offs, secure them to the Sense HAT from the top with the remaining screws. If you find you cannot align the holes on the Sense HAT with the stand-offs this is a sure-fire sign that the pins are misaligned (you’ve missed a row / column of GPIO pins when installing the HAT). In this case, remove the Sense HAT from the GPIO pins and try again.

  4. Finally, apply power to the Pi. If everything is installed correctly (and you have a sufficiently up to date version of Raspbian on your SD card) you should see a rainbow appear on the Sense HAT’s LEDs as soon as power is applied. The rainbow should disappear at some point during boot-up. If the rainbow does not disappear this either means the HAT is not installed correctly or your copy of Raspbian is not sufficiently up to date.

2.2. First Steps

Start a Python environment (this documentation assumes you use Python 3, though the pisense library is compatible with both Python 2 and 3), and import the pisense library, then construct an object to interface to the HAT:

$ python3
Python 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170124] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pisense
>>> hat = pisense.SenseHAT()

The hat object represents the Sense HAT, and provides several attributes which represent the different components on the HAT. Specifically:

  • hat.screen represents the 8 x 8 grid of LEDs on the HAT.
  • hat.stick represents the miniature joystick at the bottom right of the HAT.
  • hat.environ represents the environmental (pressure, humidity and temperature) sensors on the HAT.
  • hat.imu represents the sensors of the Internal Measurement Unit (IMU) on the HAT.

2.3. The Screen


Let’s try controlling the screen first of all. The screen’s state is represented as a two-dimensional ndarray of (red, green, blue) values. The structure of the values is compatible with Color class from the colorzero library which makes them quite easy to work with:

>>> from colorzero import Color
>>> hat.screen.array[0, 0] = Color('red')

You should see the top-left LED on the HAT light up red. It’s worth noting at this point that the two dimensions of the numpy array are rows, then columns so the first coordinate is the Y coordinate, and that 0 on the Y-axis is at the top. If this seems confusing (because graphs are typically drawn with the origin at the bottom left) consider that (in English at least) you start reading from the top left of a page which is why the origin of computer displays is there.

As for why the “X” coordinate comes second, this is due to the way image data is laid out in memory. “Bigger” dimensions (by which we mean slower moving dimensions) come first, followed by “smaller” dimensions. When dealing with a graphical display (or reading text in English), we move along the display first before moving down a line. Hence the “X” coordinate is “smaller”; it moves “faster” than the Y coordinate, changing with every step along the display whereas the Y coordinate only changes when we reach the end of a line.

Hence, just as we put “bigger” values first when writing out numbers (thousands, then hundreds, then tens, then units), or the time (hours, minutes, seconds), we write the “bigger” coordinate (the Y coordinate) first when addressing pixels in the display:

>>> hat.screen.array[0, 1] = Color('green')
>>> hat.screen.array[1, 0] = Color('blue')

Numpy’s arrays allow us to address more than one value at once, by “slicing” the array. We won’t cover all the details of Python slicing (see the linked manual page for full details), but here’s some examples of what we can do with slicing (and what bits are optional). We can turn four pixels along the top red in a single command:

>>> hat.screen.array[0, 0:4] = Color('red')

If the start of a slice is zero it can be omitted (if the end of a slice is unspecified it is the length of whatever you’re slicing). Hence we can change the entire upper left quadrant red with a single command:

>>> hat.screen.array[:4, :4] = Color('red')

We can omit both the start and end of a slice (by specifying “:”) to indicate we want the entire length of whatever we’re slicing. For example, to draw a couple of white lines next to our quadrant:

>>> hat.screen.array[:, 4] = Color('white')
>>> hat.screen.array[4, :] = Color('white')

We can also read the display as well as write to it. We can read individual elements or slices, just as with writing:

>>> hat.screen.array[0, 0]
(1., 0., 0.)
>>> hat.screen.array[4, :]
ScreenArray([(1., 1., 1.), (1., 1., 1.), (1., 1., 1.), (1., 1., 1.),
             (1., 1., 1.), (1., 1., 1.), (1., 1., 1.), (1., 1., 1.)],
            dtype=[('r', '<f4'), ('g', '<f4'), ('b', '<f4')])

This means we can scroll our display by assigning a slice to another (similarly shaped) slice. First we’ll take a copy of our display so we can get it back later, then we’ll use a loop with a delay to slide our display left:

>>> original = hat.screen.array.copy()
>>> from time import sleep
>>> for i in range(8):
...     hat.screen.array[:, :7] = hat.screen.array[:, 1:]
...     sleep(0.1)

Neat as that was, the screen object actually has several methods to make animations like this easy. Let’s slide our original back onto the display:

>>> hat.screen.slide_to(original, direction='right')

We can construct images for the display with the array() function. Let’s construct a blue screen (thankfully not of death!) and fade to it:

>>> blue_screen = pisense.array(Color('blue'))
>>> hat.screen.fade_to(blue_screen)

The array() function can also be given a list of values to initialize itself. This is particularly useful with Color aliases a single letter long. For example, to draw a French flag on our display:

>>> B = Color('black')
>>> r = Color('red')
>>> w = Color('white')
>>> b = Color('blue')
>>> black_line = [B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B]
>>> flag_line = [B, b, b, w, w, r, r, B]
>>> flag = pisense.array(black_line * 2 + flag_line * 4 + black_line * 2)
>>> hat.screen.fade_to(flag)

Finally, if you’re familiar with the Pillow library (formerly PIL, the Python Imaging Library) you can obtain a representation of the screen with the image() method. You can draw on this with the facilities of Pillow’s ImageDraw module then copy the result back to the Sense HAT’s screen with the draw() method (the image returned doesn’t automatically update the screen when modified, unlike the array representation):

>>> flag_img = hat.screen.image()
>>> from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
>>> blur_img = flag_img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(1))
>>> hat.screen.draw(blur_img)

2.4. The Joystick


The miniature joystick at the bottom right of the Sense HAT is exceedingly useful as a basic interface for Raspberry Pis without a keyboard. The joystick actually emulates a keyboard (which in some circumstances is useful and in others, very annoying) but it’s simpler to use the library’s facilities to read the joystick rather than trying to treat it as a keyboard. The read() method can be used to wait for an event from the joystick. Type the following then briefly tap the joystick to the right:

>>> hat.stick.read()
StickEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 4, 22, 52, 35, 961776),
direction='right', pressed=True, held=False)

As you’ve released the joystick there should be a “not pressed” event waiting to be retrieved. Notice that its timestamp is shortly after the former event (because the timestamp is the time at which the event occurred, not when it was retrieved):

>>> hat.stick.read()
StickEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 4, 22, 52, 36, 47511),
direction='right', pressed=False, held=False)

The read() method can also take a timeout value (measured in seconds). If an event has not occurred before the timeout elapses, it will return None:

>>> print(repr(hat.stick.read(1.0)))

The event is returned as a namedtuple() with the following fields:

  • timestamp – the timestamp at which the event occurred.
  • direction – the direction in which the joystick was pushed. If the joystick is pushed inwards this will be “enter” (as that’s the key that it emulates).
  • pressed – this will be True if the event occurred due to the joystick being pressed or held in a particular direction. If this is False, the joystick has been released from the specified direction.
  • held – when True the meaning of this field depends on the pressed field:
    • When pressed is also True this indicates that the event is a repeat event occurring because the joystick is being held in the specified direction.
    • When pressed is False this indicates that the joystick has been released but it was held down (this is useful for distinguishing between a press and a hold during the release event).

Hence a typical sequence of events when briefly pressing the joystick right would be:

direction pressed held
right True False
right False False

However, when holding the joystick right, the sequence would be:

direction pressed held
right True False
right True True
right True True
right True True
right True True
right False True

Finally, the joystick can be treated as an iterator which yields events whenever they occur. This is particularly useful for driving interfaces as we’ll see in later sections. For now, you can try this on the command line:

>>> for event in hat.stick:
...     print(repr(event))
StickEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 4, 20, 6, 10, 845258), direction='right', pressed=True, held=False)
StickEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 4, 20, 6, 11, 100073), direction='right', pressed=True, held=True)
StickEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 4, 20, 6, 11, 150078), direction='right', pressed=True, held=True)
StickEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 4, 20, 6, 11, 200125), direction='right', pressed=True, held=True)
StickEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 4, 20, 6, 11, 250146), direction='right', pressed=True, held=True)
StickEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 4, 20, 6, 11, 300088), direction='right', pressed=True, held=True)
StickEvent(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 4, 20, 6, 11, 316964), direction='right', pressed=False, held=True)


You’ll probably see several strange sequences appear on the terminal when playing with this (like ^[[A, ^[[B, etc). These are the raw control codes for the cursor keys and can be ignored. Press Ctrl-c when you want to terminate the loop.

2.5. Environmental Sensors


The environmental sensors on the Sense HAT consist of two components: a pressure sensor and a humidity sensor. Both of these components are also capable of measuring temperature. For the sake of simplicity, both sensors are wrapped in a single item in pisense which can be queried for pressure, humidity, or temperature:

>>> hat.environ.pressure
>>> hat.environ.humidity
>>> hat.environ.temperature

The pressure is returned in millibars (which are equivalent to hectopascals). The humidity is given as a relative humidity percentage. Finally, the temperature is returned in celsius.

Despite there being effectively two temperature sensors there’s only a single temperature property. By default it returns the reading from the humidity sensor, but you change this with the temp_source attribute:

>>> hat.environ.temp_source
<function temp_humidity at 0x7515b588>
>>> hat.environ.temp_source = pisense.temp_pressure
>>> hat.environ.temperature
>>> hat.environ.temp_source = pisense.temp_humidity
>>> hat.environ.temperature

Note that both temperature readings can be quite different! You can also configure it to take the average of the two readings:

>>> hat.environ.temperature_source = pisense.temp_average

However, if you think this will give you more accuracy, I’d recommend referring to Dilbert first!

Like the joystick, the environment sensor(s) can also be treated as an iterator:

>>> for reading in hat.environ:
...     print(repr(reading))
EnvironReadings(pressure=1025.41, humidity=51.1534, temperature=27.1774)
EnvironReadings(pressure=1025.41, humidity=50.9851, temperature=27.2261)
EnvironReadings(pressure=1025.41, humidity=50.9851, temperature=27.2271)
EnvironReadings(pressure=1025.42, humidity=50.9851, temperature=27.2240)
EnvironReadings(pressure=1025.42, humidity=50.9209, temperature=27.2240)
EnvironReadings(pressure=1025.42, humidity=50.9209, temperature=27.2230)
EnvironReadings(pressure=1025.42, humidity=50.9209, temperature=27.2261)
EnvironReadings(pressure=1025.42, humidity=50.9209, temperature=27.2271)
EnvironReadings(pressure=1025.42, humidity=51.0693, temperature=27.2331)


As above, press Ctrl-c when you want to terminate the loop.

A simple experiment you can run is to breathe near the humidity sensor and then query its value. You should see the value rise quite rapidly before it slowly falls back down as the vapour you exhaled evaporates from the surface of the sensor.

2.6. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)


The Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) on the Sense HAT actually consists of three different sensors (an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer) each of which provide three readings (X, Y, and Z). This is why you may also hear the sensor referred to as a 9-DoF (9 Degrees of Freedom) sensor; it returns 9 independent values.

You can read values from the sensors independently:

>>> hat.imu.accel
IMUVector(x=0.0404885, y=0.0551139, z=1.01719)
>>> hat.imu.gyro
IMUVector(x=0.044841, y=0.00200727, z=-0.0528594)
>>> hat.imu.compass
IMUVector(x=-21.1644, y=-12.2358, z=18.4494)

The accelerometer returns values in g (standard gravities, equivalent to 9.80665m/s²). Hence, with the Sense HAT lying flat on a table, the X and Y values of the accelerometer should be close to zero, while the Z value should be close to 1 (because gravity is a constant acceleration force toward the center of the Earth … assuming that you’re on Earth, that is).

The gyroscope returns values in radians per second. With the Sense HAT lying stationary all values should be close to zero. If you wish to test the gyroscope, set the console to continually print values and slowly rotate the HAT:

>>> while True:
...     print(hat.imu.gyro)
...     sleep(0.1)
IMUVector(x=0.0437177, y=0.00241541, z=-0.0463548)
IMUVector(x=0.0408809, y=0.00207451, z=-0.0443745)
IMUVector(x=0.0428965, y=0.00294054, z=-0.0448299)
IMUVector(x=0.0376711, y=0.00259082, z=-0.0440765)
IMUVector(x=0.0376385, y=0.00705177, z=-0.0457381)
IMUVector(x=0.0276967, y=-0.00117483, z=-0.0446691)
IMUVector(x=-0.206876, y=-0.0201117, z=-0.128358)
IMUVector(x=-0.0773721, y=-0.523465, z=-0.318948)
IMUVector(x=-0.429841, y=-0.663047, z=0.0814746)
IMUVector(x=0.288231, y=-1.13005, z=-0.0245105)
IMUVector(x=-0.450611, y=-1.86431, z=-0.382783)
IMUVector(x=-0.173889, y=-1.05461, z=-0.238619)
IMUVector(x=-0.225202, y=-2.61934, z=-0.0840699)
IMUVector(x=-0.00529005, y=-1.86309, z=-0.000686785)
IMUVector(x=-0.00254116, y=-1.85271, z=0.115072)
IMUVector(x=-0.0382768, y=-0.26965, z=-0.374536)


As above, press Ctrl-c when you want to terminate the loop.

Finally, the magnetometer returns values in µT (micro-Teslas, where 1µT is equal to 10mG or milli-Gauss). The Earth’s magnetic field is incredibly weak, so if you wish to test the magnetometer it is easier to do so with a permanent magnet, especially something strong like a small neodymium magnet. Bringing such a magnet within 10cm of the HAT should provoke an obvious reaction in the readings.

The readings from these three components are combined by the underlying library to form a composite “orientation” reading which provides the roll, pitch, and yaw of the HAT in radians:

>>> hat.imu.orient
IMUOrient(roll=0.868906 (49.8°), pitch=1.2295 (70.4°), yaw=0.818843 (46.9°))

Note that while the representation of the reading includes degree conversions for the sake of convenience, the reading returned by querying the properties is always in radians (you can convert to degrees with the built-in function math.degrees()).

>>> for state in hat.imu:
...     print(repr(state))
IMUState(compass=IMUVector(x=-13.9255, y=-30.4649, z=-18.815), gyro=IMUVector(x=0.0393031, y=0.00371209, z=-0.0437528), accel=IMUVector(x=0.0409734, y=0.0517148, z=1.00427), orient=IMUOrient(roll=2.17333 (124.5°), pitch=-1.18527 (-67.9°), yaw=2.81119 (161.1°)))
IMUState(compass=IMUVector(x=-19.879, y=-29.4562, z=-7.37771), gyro=IMUVector(x=0.040144, y=-0.00145538, z=-0.0430174), accel=IMUVector(x=0.0431554, y=0.0495297, z=1.00939), orient=IMUOrient(roll=2.09063 (119.8°), pitch=-1.15771 (-66.3°), yaw=2.85458 (163.6°)))
IMUState(compass=IMUVector(x=-19.879, y=-29.4562, z=-7.37771), gyro=IMUVector(x=0.040144, y=-0.00145538, z=-0.0430174), accel=IMUVector(x=0.0431554, y=0.0495297, z=1.00939), orient=IMUOrient(roll=2.09063 (119.8°), pitch=-1.15771 (-66.3°), yaw=2.85458 (163.6°)))
IMUState(compass=IMUVector(x=-19.879, y=-29.4562, z=-7.37771), gyro=IMUVector(x=0.040144, y=-0.00145538, z=-0.0430174), accel=IMUVector(x=0.0431554, y=0.0495297, z=1.00939), orient=IMUOrient(roll=2.09063 (119.8°), pitch=-1.15771 (-66.3°), yaw=2.85458 (163.6°)))
IMUState(compass=IMUVector(x=-19.879, y=-29.4562, z=-7.37771), gyro=IMUVector(x=0.040144, y=-0.00145538, z=-0.0430174), accel=IMUVector(x=0.0431554, y=0.0495297, z=1.00939), orient=IMUOrient(roll=2.09063 (119.8°), pitch=-1.15771 (-66.3°), yaw=2.85458 (163.6°)))
IMUState(compass=IMUVector(x=-24.5605, y=-28.5779, z=1.99134), gyro=IMUVector(x=0.0379679, y=0.00247297, z=-0.0392915), accel=IMUVector(x=0.0421856, y=0.0500153, z=1.01597), orient=IMUOrient(roll=2.01459 (115.4°), pitch=-1.13169 (-64.8°), yaw=2.89324 (165.8°)))
IMUState(compass=IMUVector(x=-24.5605, y=-28.5779, z=1.99134), gyro=IMUVector(x=0.0379679, y=0.00247297, z=-0.0392915), accel=IMUVector(x=0.0421856, y=0.0500153, z=1.01597), orient=IMUOrient(roll=2.01459 (115.4°), pitch=-1.13169 (-64.8°), yaw=2.89324 (165.8°)))
IMUState(compass=IMUVector(x=-24.5605, y=-28.5779, z=1.99134), gyro=IMUVector(x=0.0379679, y=0.00247297, z=-0.0392915), accel=IMUVector(x=0.0421856, y=0.0500153, z=1.01597), orient=IMUOrient(roll=2.01459 (115.4°), pitch=-1.13169 (-64.8°), yaw=2.89324 (165.8°)))
IMUState(compass=IMUVector(x=-24.5605, y=-28.5779, z=1.99134), gyro=IMUVector(x=0.0379679, y=0.00247297, z=-0.0392915), accel=IMUVector(x=0.0421856, y=0.0500153, z=1.01597), orient=IMUOrient(roll=2.01459 (115.4°), pitch=-1.13169 (-64.8°), yaw=2.89324 (165.8°)))

2.7. Further Reading

This concludes the tour of the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT, and of the bare functionality of the pisense library. The next sections will introduce some simple projects to give you an idea of how the library can be used to combine these facilities to useful or fun effect!